Saturday, February 20, 2010

Family of FOUR weekend (part1)

Part 1: Saturday...
Well... as most of you know, this is our final weekend as a family of 4.  We decided that this weekend we would dedicate to the kids (who really have needed this, with all the attention we had to put on the open house, and getting ready for Gabi).  Despite colds all around (Will has been REALLY coughing and now has an ear infection, Isa and I are also coughing alot, but Tob has managed to stay well), we made true on our promise to take the kids to the Zoo.  So... off we went bundled up and enjoyed a sunny (but cold) day at the Zoo.  Will exclaimed that this was a "Cool Trip" and Isa loved seeing the wolves!
We had a great time and saw some animals that normally aren't active when we have gone before!  Poor Will puckered out before lunch, but we all still had a wonderful time.(from the pics, you wouldn't know anyone was sick!)
a SUPER active beaver entertained the kids

The closest we have EVER seen the wolves here!