Sunday, February 14, 2010

6 amazing years

We often talk about how quickly time has passed... and here we are with another special day to remind us.  It's crazy to think that 6 years ago we were joined by family and friends from the States and other countries to celebrate our marriage.  We thought we were SO blessed back then.  We had just gotten out of the Army, had come home safely from (as Damian so eloquently put it) our "all expense paid trip to Iraq", and had just settled into our new home.  Here we are 6 years later more blessed and grateful for all the memories and time we have shared together!
Thanks to all of you who were there (we had a GREAT time), to those that continue to be a big part of our lives, and for all the new additions to the family!  I should also mention that Will and Isa LOVE watching our wedding video... but, they want to know where "they" were! =)  We have such wonderful memories of our special day... the dancing (Grease, Grandpa Thomas in the jacket dancing with Grandma, the conga lines, and all the lil ones), ALL the family and friends that shared with us, the video montage, and sitting by the fire at the end.  It was Perfect! 
Hope everyone else is having a wonderful Valentine's Day!!!