We can't even begin to put into words the emotions and love we felt with Gabi's arrival. Her delivery went extremely well and Daddy even got a chance to hold her while the docs finished stitching up Mommy on the OR table. Mommy's first day of recovery didn't go perfectly, but Gabi sure is worth it. Turns out that Mommy is REALLY sensitive to morphine and any other major pain meds (the main reason why she was nauseous and out of it all day Saturday). Gabi turned out to be a VERY easy going, non-fussy baby. Mommy was delighted to also finally have lil one that would breast feed ! It has been such a wonderful bonding experience.
We were surrounded by family the first 2 days with visitors coming and going to meet the newest addition. Gabi was a trooper through it all. Will and Isa ADORE their lil sister. Isa is especially enamored with Gabi and is constantly asking to hold her, gives her countless kisses, and is heard saying "I love you baby Gabi" over and over! We think the hardest part about our upcoming homecoming will be to keep Isa from wanting to hold Gabi ALL the time =). Mommy and Daddy have enjoyed the special time they have had with Gabriela one on one at the hospital. She is truly a little cuddle bug but isn't overly needy.
We want to thank everyone for your prayers, love and support. We can't wait for all of you meet Gabi. She is truly a blessing to all of us!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Gabi is here !
not feeling quite well enough to blog.... TOMORROW for sure.
but for pics go to our Facebook or Babysite page =)
Love, T&V
but for pics go to our Facebook or Babysite page =)
Love, T&V
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
a new little one....
Cousin Amelia Madelien Sikora was born this afternoon. The kids are sooo excited to have another lil cousin to love. This was especially special because Mommy and Aunt Heather shared a due date (originally March 5th). Now Millie and Gabi will only be 3 days apart! So many new lil ones to love!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S Jeremy, Heather, and Annie! We are SOOO happy and excited for you!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S Jeremy, Heather, and Annie! We are SOOO happy and excited for you!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Family of FOUR weekend (part2)
Will's final rendition of our family of four.
(we'll let you guess who is who =).
2/21/10 Sunday:Today we continued our focus with the kids in a much more relaxed way... we stayed home! The coughing fest continued... so we decided it would be much better to stay indoors and have fun together here. Our morning started out bright and early (Isa was up around 6:45) and we were fortunate enough to have brunch brought to our home by Bapa and Gramma. The kids had a great time with them, Isa LOVED the pineapples they brought, and we just sat around chatting! Then we managed to scare them off quite early with our overwhelming coughs =).
After naps, we had snacks, popcorn and watched the kids' selections of DVD's they picked out at Blockbusters the night before. Some more play-doh activities (Isa's recent Favorite activity), some coloring, and Daddy chasing the kids around the house like a rolling-pin and Mommy stomping around like a dinosaur! All in all it was a great weekend, and we hope they remember some of it! It is crazy to see our pregnancy ticker... 5 days left!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Family of FOUR weekend (part1)
Part 1: Saturday...
Well... as most of you know, this is our final weekend as a family of 4. We decided that this weekend we would dedicate to the kids (who really have needed this, with all the attention we had to put on the open house, and getting ready for Gabi). Despite colds all around (Will has been REALLY coughing and now has an ear infection, Isa and I are also coughing alot, but Tob has managed to stay well), we made true on our promise to take the kids to the Zoo. So... off we went bundled up and enjoyed a sunny (but cold) day at the Zoo. Will exclaimed that this was a "Cool Trip" and Isa loved seeing the wolves!
We had a great time and saw some animals that normally aren't active when we have gone before! Poor Will puckered out before lunch, but we all still had a wonderful time.(from the pics, you wouldn't know anyone was sick!)
Well... as most of you know, this is our final weekend as a family of 4. We decided that this weekend we would dedicate to the kids (who really have needed this, with all the attention we had to put on the open house, and getting ready for Gabi). Despite colds all around (Will has been REALLY coughing and now has an ear infection, Isa and I are also coughing alot, but Tob has managed to stay well), we made true on our promise to take the kids to the Zoo. So... off we went bundled up and enjoyed a sunny (but cold) day at the Zoo. Will exclaimed that this was a "Cool Trip" and Isa loved seeing the wolves!
We had a great time and saw some animals that normally aren't active when we have gone before! Poor Will puckered out before lunch, but we all still had a wonderful time.(from the pics, you wouldn't know anyone was sick!)
a SUPER active beaver entertained the kids
The closest we have EVER seen the wolves here!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
6 amazing years
We often talk about how quickly time has passed... and here we are with another special day to remind us. It's crazy to think that 6 years ago we were joined by family and friends from the States and other countries to celebrate our marriage. We thought we were SO blessed back then. We had just gotten out of the Army, had come home safely from (as Damian so eloquently put it) our "all expense paid trip to Iraq", and had just settled into our new home. Here we are 6 years later more blessed and grateful for all the memories and time we have shared together!
Thanks to all of you who were there (we had a GREAT time), to those that continue to be a big part of our lives, and for all the new additions to the family! I should also mention that Will and Isa LOVE watching our wedding video... but, they want to know where "they" were! =) We have such wonderful memories of our special day... the dancing (Grease, Grandpa Thomas in the jacket dancing with Grandma, the conga lines, and all the lil ones), ALL the family and friends that shared with us, the video montage, and sitting by the fire at the end. It was Perfect!
Thanks to all of you who were there (we had a GREAT time), to those that continue to be a big part of our lives, and for all the new additions to the family! I should also mention that Will and Isa LOVE watching our wedding video... but, they want to know where "they" were! =) We have such wonderful memories of our special day... the dancing (Grease, Grandpa Thomas in the jacket dancing with Grandma, the conga lines, and all the lil ones), ALL the family and friends that shared with us, the video montage, and sitting by the fire at the end. It was Perfect!
Hope everyone else is having a wonderful Valentine's Day!!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Evan's confirmation
Last night was very special. Evan was Confirmed and I was blessed to be asked to be his Confirmation sponsor. For those that don't know Evan is Isa's Godfather, and he has also been assisting me as an aide during my PSR Communion class. I feel very lucky to share my faith with him, and more blessed that he is living it through the family and community.
The ceremony was simple but nice. Evan looked EXTRA spiffy in his suit and had a great time with his old St. Peter's friends at the reception. Congratulations Ev!!! we love you!
The ceremony was simple but nice. Evan looked EXTRA spiffy in his suit and had a great time with his old St. Peter's friends at the reception. Congratulations Ev!!! we love you!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
like father like son...
every day I am more and more amazed at Will's artistic abilities for only being 3 1/2 years old. most other kids are still working on staying in the lines... but not Will... he is Creative (Thomas is not just a Blue engine, but colored... ALL the colors), Inventive uses shapes to create objects like trains (you will see this later...), and Amazing his new "house" scenes, sunshines, and coloring blow me away. I am so proud of him and I know he gets this from Tobin. I have always admired Tobin's artworks and his ability to carve, sketch, and paint. It's a hidden talent, that I see blooming in his young son. I hope Will continues to love this passion for many years to come!

Here are a few more recent works of art =)
(all of these are done by Will unassisted! enjoy!
his "shape" train
house with tracks beneath, clouds, and sun

freight train and sunshine

Will completely colored the bottom picture for Paul and Kateri! (and signed his name =).
action packed weekend
This past weekend was a whirl wind for us! Saturday we spent the day helping Kateri and Paul move into their NEW HOME! May I mention that it's only NINE miles away! yay! Tobin went out with the early convoy of help and the kids and I met them at the new house. The kids (even though it was a LONG day), did great and LOVED the home. they explored every room, dubbed the office the "farm room" due to the paint colors, and played hide-n-seek in what will be Chloe's room and closet. They LOVED the stairs as well (we recently found this out at Damian and Katie's new place as well). It was a lot of work (for some more than others.,... I wasn't allowed to help much =(, BUT a great day indeed.
On Sunday, my mom's group gals treated me to our version of a 3rd baby Baby Shower =). The girls were only suppose to get diapers... but instead treated me to a pedicure and lunch! yayyy! It was so relaxing and nice to just get out with them. Kateri was able to join us as well (a well deserved break from the previous day!). It has been so great to share so many great adventures with great friends!
On Sunday, my mom's group gals treated me to our version of a 3rd baby Baby Shower =). The girls were only suppose to get diapers... but instead treated me to a pedicure and lunch! yayyy! It was so relaxing and nice to just get out with them. Kateri was able to join us as well (a well deserved break from the previous day!). It has been so great to share so many great adventures with great friends!
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