Thankfully Will was breathing fine, just shaken up, but I soon realized he couldn't swallow anything. I left the girls and rushed him to the local ER. After an x-ray, the ER doctor told us that we would need to be transported downtown to Cleveland Clinic to see a Pediatric GI doctor. Will got to go on his first ambulance ride. Tobin met us downtown and the next phase began. The doctors there decided that Will needed to go into surgery to remove the marble. After meeting with the team, they took Will in for what was to be a simple 20-25 minute procedure. 30 minutes later, Tob and I were still calm. 55 minutes later, not so much. When we finally stopped someone to get an update, we had a nurse come out and tell us that Will was fine, but they couldn't grasp the marble. They were now in the process of bringing in an ENT team to assist and determine if there was better equipment to grab the marble. 2.5 hours later they were done! After inserting a rigid tube down his throat, then inflating a balloon past the marble, they were able to push the marble up enough to get it. Will stayed overnight to be observed and to endure a barium test to ensure his esophagus wasn't torn. Thankfully we got lucky. No tears or holes and we finally got to take our little boy home a little after 2pm Saturday. We were extremely blessed that the marble went down his esophagus and not his wind pipe. We were able to take our little man home and couldn't have been happier about that.
tired, but on his way home!
It wasn't until much later that we finally found out why he even put the marble in his mouth. We found out that Will and his sisters were pretending to be Velociraptors. Will was the daddy raptor and his sisters were the babies. He was apparently teaching the babies how to properly eat meat. He showed them how to put one in his mouth and spit it out, but when he put the second one in, it accidentally slipped back in his throat and he tried desperately to throw it up. He said, he'll never do that again!