Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gabi turns 3 !!!

 Our little Baby Cakes turned THREE today.  People always say that it's hard to watch your youngest get older, and they are right.  Long gone are the days of her relying on us for everything.  This sassy, independent girl keeps us on our toes and is growing up too fast for our liking.  After potty training herself, she now insists on getting dressed and undressed on her own.  She can put her jacket, socks and shoes on.  She pretty much mimics what her siblings do and other than reading, writing and drawing at their level, she is pretty much on track with them.  We still aren't sure if she will be a left or righty, since she switches her writing utensils from one to the other.  She loves creative play and enjoys both playing with others and on her own.

Some silly things about Gabi:
-when talking to us she clarifies something with the word "actually", ex:  "I got ponies for my birthday, ACTUALLY, unicorns."
-it's adorable to hear her talk about how much she misses her daddy "so much" and talks about her best friends Chloe and Kyle.
- we roll our eyes whenever she says "gaga."  That is her token word right now... when she has nothing better to say, she says "gaga."
- it's cute and funny how she uses her VBS training to explain away accidents or things gone wrong. i.e, after a potty accident recently, when I asked her why she didn't go to the bathroom, she said "mommy, it was just an accident, and you know, no matter what people do, trust God".  I couldn't help but smile.
- right now she is VERY particular about the way she sleeps.  Her pillow has to be in the perfect position for her, only the sheets may be used to cover her, her dream lite needs to be on the blue (purple to her) setting, and her white noise giraffe has to be on selection 2 which is a jungle type sound.
- we love the way she says "bye" and blows a kiss to people upon her's or their departure.
- her hair is real long, and for now she still has her curls... though they are starting to wave more.
- she LOVES purple.  In fact, despite having her long awaited pony party, she still tells people she is having a purple party, will someday have a purple teacher, and a purple classroom!
-her favorite princesses right now are Tiana (from The Princess and the Frog) and Merida (from the movie Brave).

Gabi got spoiled on her birthday with several friends coming to visit and sharing the day with her.  We then had her Gramma, Bapa, Godfather Paul, Kateri and Chloe over for dinner and dessert.  Since Gabi loves Oreo cookies (thanks to our neighbor Tracy), I made her on her of Godmother's recipe .. an Oreo and Ice cream dessert!  Happy Birthday Gabi Rose!
breakfast with the Miller boys
Avarello ladies joined us for lunch
Gabi and Chloe got Bitty Twins!
Much like the ones Isa and Annie got a few years back =)