Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Off to Kindergarten!!!

 Little milestones.  Big steps.  Sometimes it seems like the years are a blur.  It seems like this time is going too fast.  One minute the kids are home, happy, loud... now our lil boy Will has completed Preschool and is on his way to KINDERGARTEN!  This is the real thing... he's an official school boy come the Fall.  After 3 years of Preschool, he is DONE!  Our little boy is growing up... and growing up into a great, brilliant, inquisitive little boy!
 Isa also completed her first year of Preschool at Avon Village.  She is doing great, her teachers love her, and she is excited for another year.   We were excited to see both kids in their respective ceremonies.  Daddy, Mommy, Gabi, and Gramma were all there to cheer them on!  We loved hearing all their songs and wish we could hold on to these miniature glimpses of their lives forever.  
 Some of the kids best buddies =)
 Will and Luke                      Isa and Ava     

To end off a wonderful year... the kids had their field trip to the Memphis Kiddie Park.  Gramma and cousin Chloe came along for the fun!  This was Chloe's first time, and she had a blast!  The kids had fun on all the rides and sharing time with their friends!

And of course... ready for summer vacation!