Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fall Fun in Dayton

This weekend we spent a wonderful and relaxing weekend with Jeremy, Heather, Annie, Millie, and little Owen.  We took off Saturday morning and headed straight to Kings Island.  Our family has never been to this amusement park and the kids were extremely excited!  However, I think the kids were really just excited to spend time with their cousins!  We must have heard Isa tell us about 15 times on the ride down "I miss Annie so much."  =)
We spent a couple of hours at Kings Island.  We started off at their Dinosaurs trick-or-treat area.  Needless to say, Will was less interested in the candy and super interested in ALL the dinosaurs they had.  It's amazing how many he knew, and how much he could tell us about them!  The little ones were a little afraid, but lost some of their fear after the first couple of candy stops!  They got candy treats along with many other cool things like mini pumpkins, apples, and toys!  It was a hit!
After a few rides at Snoopy's Place, we had a warm dinner before heading back to their home in Dayton.
Will was certainly in his glory!
  Sunday was a bit chilly so we all decided we would just relax at their place.  It was a perfect decision.  The kids all got along real great and it was actually real nice for the adults to hang out together while the kids played.  From princess dances, to jumping on the trampoline, to crafts, and dino books.... the kids had a marvelous time together!  We love how they just seem to pick up right where they left off!  We are hoping for many more fun times together while they are in Ohio!

(I appologize for the quality of these pics... my camera was out of batteries and these were from my phone)
no shortage of hug and laughter!