Ok... so I can't believe that it has really taken me this long to post our week... but we have been crazy busy.
So... back to last Saturday (the 19th). After visiting the Rooney's we headed over to the West Side of NYC to meet the littlest Sikora (and her mommy and daddy!). Mira Mae did not disappoint! She is such a cute little doll with wonderful alert time and awesome strength! Gabi was so excited to meet her new lil cousin and it was so cute watching her try to give her a kiss.... precious. We had a wonderful time just hanging out, catching about parenting tips, trying pacifiers, and yes... another photo shoot. We felt SO blessed to have the opportunity to meet Mira while she is still so little.
Thanks for having us Justin, Mary and Mira. We love you and miss you already!
Gabi meets her cousin Mira |
Daddy's and their lil girls! |
sweet Mira Mae Sikora |
Upon returning to Ohio we played catch up on many things on the home front. There was tons of laundry to catch up on, cleaning and unpacking. I also had about 25 embroidery hat orders to get done by Tuesday!
We had our usual Tuesday with Gramma and Gramma Thomas! Coffee, lunch at Bob Evans and hanging out with Kateri and Chloe.
Thursday, Kateri and I had a mommy playdate! We took an afternoon off to watch a movie while the girls napped. We also took Chloe's 9 month pictures. When the girls were all awake... they had fun hanging around. It's fun to see how much closer in age Chloe and Gabi seem now =)
What a crazy awesome week! This weekend also ended with a bang! We spent more time with family, did alot more cleaning and organizing, and I did some long overdue clothes shopping!
everyday artwork... Isa gets better every day! |
We also got to spend a day with Jenny to celebrate her 25th birthday. She met us at The Little Gym on Saturday morning and watched the kids do their class. We then had a mini movie day and headed to Red Lobster (part 2) to try our lick with her dinner of choice. Luckily we got in this time!
love for the birthday girl! |
WOW...long week! Today we ended our week with mass, brunch and some more special time with family. We are blessed!