Tuesday, September 1, 2009

school days

Yesterday was Will's first day. When we picked him up he was happy and excited that he is a schoolgoer. He said that he couldn't wait to go again. His teacher's comments were "Great morning. Very cooperative and willing to do all activities. He seemed very happy and talkative." We can't be happier.

Today Will was the star once more as he rode the BUS to school for the first time. Daddy, Mommy, Isa, Gramma, and even Mrs Fox (our neighbor) were all here to see him off. Waiting for his return from school, Mommy, Isa, Gramma, Ms. Julie, and Sammy were all outside. Will so so excited to see us all and couldn't get off the bus fast enough. Isa gave him a BIG hug when he left AND when he got home. We are thrilled that he is adjusting so well and hope that his enthusiasm for school coninues!

waiting for his bus!

Will getting off the bus. He is surprised to see everyone waiting!

Julie and Sam came over to visit while Will was at school. Since coming back from Hungary I have missed some of the great cooking... so we took the opportunity to make some Hungarian Palacintas (crepes) to celebrate Julie's birthday! What a fun day!