This year has been great to our "petite" Isa Faith. In the Spring she had her first dance recital. This summer she started swimming on her own, swimming across the pool all by herself. She loves to be outdoors, doesn't matter if it's out in the snow, sand or just on the soft grass. A few months after Will, she was also off and riding on 2 wheels on her bike. She also stole our hearts this summer when she donated more than 10 inches of her hair to Locks for Love.
Isa continues to be a light in our lives. She certainly brings charisma to our family, engaging everyone and finding a way to share her love with everyone. She is nurturing with all the little ones. She loves holding babies, and is very mothering to all her younger cousins and sister. She is emotional, laughing with all her heart one moment and then crying if her feelings are hurt or she is sad. Isa is a little mimic. She tries to do what we do and has open ears all the time (making us be real careful what we say around her). She is a little actress, loving the attention.
Isa is also a little leader. We find ourselves giggling when we hear her from an adjacent room organizing games or leading the kids onto a new adventure! Isa LOVES family (especially her Grandmas). She cherishes all the times she spends with her cousins and misses them dearly when they depart!
This past year Isa has also matured. She is still very spunky, but acts years beyond her age. She is very proud of her accomplishments and loves sharing them with us. She has recently learned to sound out words and tries her hardest at spelling them. We are so proud of her. Like her brother she loves drawing and painting. One of the things we really love about Isa is her helpfulness. No matter what Mommy or Daddy are working on, she continues to ask us if she can help... almost always followed by "we have a lot of work to do." We love it!
This past year Isa took part in dance classes, gymnastics, tot-ball, and ice skating lessons. You can find Isa dancing around the house, singing lots (sometimes loud), or strutting around in any of her Princess dresses (but... she is also our lil tomboy, never worried about getting dirty or being prissy). Recently she has been excelling at gymnastics. Most notably you can almost always catch her on her head! She is doing head/hand stands on the couch, on the floor, or wherever she can! Isa's personality is also very vivid in any conversation with her. She is a very animated speaker, using her hands and body language to show and express what she is saying. It's never a dull moment with our spirited little girl!