Wow, it's crazy how much can change in a year, especially when they are young. Even though the change isn't as dramatic as when they are infants, looking back at Gabi's picture from January makes me think of her still as our little baby girl. Now, however you may NOT call her a baby. She insists she is our "Baby Cakes" and not to be confused with a typical baby. What Gabi has obtained over this past year is certainly lots of spunk! There is no denying she is a strong willed sassy little lady!
Gabi's smile is certainly contagious. Her excitement is real and it's awesome to see her light up when she sees people she loves.... daddy, bapa, her siblings, cousins and especially Chloe her "best friend". She is very loving and we love her hugs and big kisses. We love asking her for "besitos" and seeing her come, grab our faces and puckering her lips for a huge kiss to give us. Priceless. Gabi also loves being the center of attention and always pipes in with some comment about whatever we are talking about. Speaking of piping up... her vocabulary has really taken off. Gabi is now speaking in full sentences fully able to articulate anything that is on her mind. She is also a great little entertainer and loves being silly.
One of the wonderful things about Gabi is that even though she loves all her playmates... she does real well playing on her own. She loves creative play and it's great hearing her in the playroom on her own vocalizing whatever her dolls are saying. She refuses to be known as the youngest, proving over and over that she can do almost anything her siblings can do. However, she has also become very stubborn and a little more difficult to deal with lately. She will often give us a big loud pouty cry, while saying "don't be mad" over and over again. Gabi has shown some interest in the potty, being successful some times, but she is definitely not ready to be in undies on her own yet. She is a great sleeper in the evenings, but has pretty much given up her daytime naps. She has also given up being our best eater. However she does great when she's real hungry or if it's something she loves to eat.
Gabi is definitely full of personality these days. She is goofy and fun. She says so many things that make us smile and is real loving in her speech. Its so heartwarming whenever she says "awwww" or "he's so cute" or singing any of her favorite songs. She loves singing, and we love hearing her sing. We love that she loves so many classic musicals like Annie, Sound of Music, and Mary Poppins along with many of new princess movies. Her favorite character right now is Merida from Brave, and can be found in Merida's dress almost daily. Gabi's dark brown hair is often tousled and we teasingly call her a "hot mess". However, her hair is gorgeous. She still has a beautiful wave and curl in her hair and over this past year, it has really grown long. Gabi also seems to have a sensitive nose. We giggle each time she starts sniffing and asks "what's that smeeeeeellll?" Too cute!
Our little Baby Cakes is growing up too fast. We really wish we could slow this time down. This past year she has learned to ride her bike with training wheels alongside her siblings. She is great on her scooter. She also loves being outside and can be in our sandbox for hours. She is also a little fish wanting to swim on her own as well. After some time doing Little Gym, she is now also at Great Lakes Gymnastics taking classes at the same time as Isa. She is also doing real well with this, mastering most of the circuits she is introduced to. From canoe rides, to bungy jumps, or ice skating, this little lady is proving she is an advernturer willing to try most things with us! We also love the times she still comes into our room to sleep in the middle. We cherish letting her be little. =)