Thursday, July 19, 2012

what a week!

What a fun and happy week we have had!  We shared time celebrating friend and family birthdays, watched Isa play her last t-ball game, and used our first vegetables from our garden in a meal!  Oh what fun...check out our week...

Isa did a great job with her t-ball games.  She was a little trooper through it all. 
 Our little superstar also managed to surprise us again... she is the FIRST in our little family to get her shallow end swim tag!!!! She had to tread water and then swim across the width of the community pool.  She was SO SO excited and kept telling everyone that she can swim all alone without a floatie!  Here is a little video of her showing off her swimming skills =)
 And here is a little video of our other little fish... Gabi has started jumping in and started trying to swim on her own!  So proud of her!

 Take a look at our vegetable garden!  We have carrots, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, melon, watermelon, and pumpkins planted!  We picked our first green pepper and a few cherry tomatoes to use in our pasta sauce!  However, Gabi was so excited about the new veggies, that she took a huge bite out of the pepper while Will and I were picking the other veggies!  mmmmmnnnn
 On Saturday we also celebrated the 3rd birthday of our favorite little Viers boy!  Gabi love's hanging out with this little guy!  And the rest of us love hanging out with the family!
 Isa also had a sweet sleepover with her gal pal Ava!  so sweet!

Finally we celebrated Gramma's birthday (a few days late) with the family!  It was such a nice evening with dinner, red velvet cake, and best of all... great company!