MERRY CHRISTMAS! Happy Birthday Jesus! We had an absolutely awesome and relaxing Christmas day. The Lacayo kids were up bright and early this morning and eagerly awaited our kids to get up. By 7:30am, most kids were up, so we felt compelled to wake up the remaining two. We all gathered in Will's room to read the Christmas story, sing Away in a Manger, and get ready to check to see if Santa had come to our home! Indeed he had! This was really such an exciting Christmas for the kids. They were so excited for their gifts...but they were equally as excited to GIVE their gifts. The other day I randomly asked Will if he knew what the true meaning of Christmas was and he flat out said "giving". My heart melted.

This year we were so lucky to have the Lacayo gang here with us for Christmas morning. The comradere between cousins is amazing. They love each other and consider each other best friends. We love it. To my sister and I it always makes us wish they lived closer. However, we are fortunate and blessed to visit often. All the kids got all their Christmas wishes (and some) this year. Will got his Ouranosaurus, Transformer Starscream, Transformer Megatron and a LeapPad. Isa asked for Princess Trio Blocks. She also received several Hello Kitty accessories to enjoy! Gabi got a baby stroller, new baby doll, some baby clothes and backpack from Santa! The kids also got a new dollhouse to share! Aidan got some awesome Star Wars vehicles and Andrew got Moon Dough! Santa must have been happy with them!
Our kids also made some special treats this year. They made several craft snowmen that they turned into ornaments. The kids also helped wrap and hand them out to each recipient. This was so touching to me. Will also made Isa a paper tiara for Christmas that he wrapped in his own home made wrapping paper.... priceless! Even though it got a little crazy for a while with lots of toys... it seems like they were always grounded when they remembered about another gift they still had to share. It was truly a wonderful day.
For dinner, part of the Cecil clan joined us. Overall it was a great day, spent with ones we love and celebrating Christ's birth. We are so blessed!