Sunday, October 10, 2010


There has been something different, something I really couldn't put my finger on until this last week. Isa is no longer a toddler at all. For some reason, I looked at her the other day and it hit me... yeah... like a brick wall. There she was in her jeans, top, LONG hair pulled in a pony, and I realized... she's growing up way too fast!
She is a little girl.
Maybe it's been more evident with her new love for playing dress up, mostly princess dress up. Maybe it's been the way she and Will interact and play on the same level. Or maybe it just hit me when I stopped to listen to her talk... really talk. She speaks so clearly, and ALOT =). There is almost nothing she doesn't understand and carries on conversations with anyone. She is now a dinosaur lover by proxy, and can spout the names of dinos like Parasaurolophus, Carnotaurus, and Stegosaurus better than I can pronounce them. Yep... she sure isn't a little toddler totally dependent on me. She is growing up and we love watching this new journey she is on!

this is how you will catch her most days prancing around the house now....

The funny thing is that although she Loves being a princess... she is no stranger to dirt and messes.  Just today, while playing outside while I was gardening... Isa was playing in the dirt.  A second later I hear "look Mommy, I am taking a shower."  Oh yeah, she was throwing dirt up in the air and it sure was showering her =).  That's our silly girl!