Saturday, October 30, 2010

the adventure begins....

Friday afternoon a childhood friend of mine arrived (literally she has known me since I was born and she was 3 months old!).  Cathy and I have known each other our whole lives, and although distance has kept us away alot, we have manged to keep in touch.  She was even one of my bridesmaids.  We are so glad that she is here hang out with us this weekend and enjoy all the Halloween festivities (and we had alot planned!)

before Cathy arrived, Isa had her preschool trick-or-treating...

first stop with Cathy... boo at the zoo

Saturday morning, Cathy and I took Will and Isa to Avon's 1st annual Haunted Halloween walk.  This was real fun and a great age appropriate treat!

after a nice dinner together, we (joined by Kateri, Paul, Chloe, and Gramma) headed to the Halloween Fair in Lagrane where 3 Sheets to the Wind performs! so much fun!
 this water pumpkin display was awesome!
 HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  We hope everyone has as wonderful a weekend as we are having! 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

another month...

Our lil Gabi Rose is 8 Months Old today!  

She continues to be characterized as sweet and easy-going.  We call her "baby", "monkey", "sweetie", and mostly Gabi Rose.  She doesn't require much and is very content on her own, but LOVES it when the kids engage her.  Will and Isa constantly make her crack up, and it's the sweetest laughter we have ever heard!
So, what is she up to... we are on the cusp of some big breakthroughs...but not quite there yet
- from a sitting position she will get into a crawling position and then back up (and rock back & forth)
- she isn't crawling forward yet, but does go backwards
- she LOVES being held up by her hands... we think she will walk before she crawls, she loves standing!
- she has a tooth that is itching to make an appearance, but we are still waiting.  It is funny to see her do a funny old lady look when her bottom lip is hidden!
- she is eating 2-3 meals with us mostly of pureed foods, her favorites are bananas and sweet potatoes (Yes, I have another sweet toothed child)
- she is still nursing great about 4 times a day
- she is still sleeping through the night and takes 2 naps (morning and afternoon)

Gabi is really gearing up to MOVE.  She gets so excited over something she wants and really tries to move you in her direction. We love how she is so much more engaged with us and the world around her.  She LOVES exploring new things (leaves, grass, anything that is NOT a toy =).  The time is going way too fast, and we are trying our best to enjoy it with her.  We feel blessed.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


This is the cutest thing ever (but then again... I am bias) =)

I heard Isa reciting some of this (I didn't know she knew it) and she was willing to do it for the camera =)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

ahhh love this weather!

this is what Fall is all about!

we were invited to a Halloween party at Squires Castle... we must admit we did less time partying and more time roaming the grounds. oh... and there is no secret as to what Isa or Will are this Halloween!
It was a Gorgeous and and Great day. we are blessed!




Tuesday, October 19, 2010

nice visit

This afternoon we had a special visitor... the previous owner of our home.  Tobin and I had been a little apprehensive about this visit.  What would they think of our changes, would they like it, would they be sad?  It was all GREAT!  Aunt Maureen couldn't have been more welcoming to our changes and just so happy for us.  This means so much to us because for once, we finally feel in a place where we can make a house OUR home.
Aunt Maureen, the kids and I had a nice lunch and spent time catching up (after the tour of the house!).  It was the first time she has been back since she moved.  It was a wonderful well overdue visit!   

Monday, October 18, 2010

Special weekend

This weekend we celebrated a Triple Baptism for Gabi, Chloe and Grayson. (Father Carlin's first for first cousins)!  What is EVEN more special for those that don't know, he also baptized Tobin (and his siblings), married us, and baptized Will and Isa.  Although my family was not able to be here, they were really missed, but here in spirit!  My mom hand made Gabi's baptismal gown and it turned out amazing!  I couldn't have been happier. Gabi's Godparents are Paul and Julie.  We are so happy with our decision and know they they will both be an active part of lil Gabi Rose's life.  Thank you. 

Even though my family wasn't here.... ALL of Tobin's siblings were able to attend (Mary and Justin surprised us!) and it was great having the WHOLE gang in one place!  It was a perfect fall sunny day and the kids were in heaven with their cousins.  All in all, a fun blessed weekend!

 Isa and Annie were "princesses" all weekend, and Annie even had a sleepover with us!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


There has been something different, something I really couldn't put my finger on until this last week. Isa is no longer a toddler at all. For some reason, I looked at her the other day and it hit me... yeah... like a brick wall. There she was in her jeans, top, LONG hair pulled in a pony, and I realized... she's growing up way too fast!
She is a little girl.
Maybe it's been more evident with her new love for playing dress up, mostly princess dress up. Maybe it's been the way she and Will interact and play on the same level. Or maybe it just hit me when I stopped to listen to her talk... really talk. She speaks so clearly, and ALOT =). There is almost nothing she doesn't understand and carries on conversations with anyone. She is now a dinosaur lover by proxy, and can spout the names of dinos like Parasaurolophus, Carnotaurus, and Stegosaurus better than I can pronounce them. Yep... she sure isn't a little toddler totally dependent on me. She is growing up and we love watching this new journey she is on!

this is how you will catch her most days prancing around the house now....

The funny thing is that although she Loves being a princess... she is no stranger to dirt and messes.  Just today, while playing outside while I was gardening... Isa was playing in the dirt.  A second later I hear "look Mommy, I am taking a shower."  Oh yeah, she was throwing dirt up in the air and it sure was showering her =).  That's our silly girl!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

9/26/10 Magic Kingdom!

This was our first day in Orlando. We had a wonderful day (despite some tired kids) enjoying the magic of Disney. It's funny, but Gabi probably seemed to have the most fun... surely sensory overload!
The kids got a chance to watch a parade, see the princess show, and end the evening with fireworks. Most of all, it was great to share it with family. Isa and Aidan were inseparable. Will wanted to ride everything "one more time", Andrew went along with the flow, and Gabi couldn't get enough of the magic! What a great memory!

Friday, October 1, 2010

princess Isabel Faith Sikora

is it possible?  yep... our lil girl is THREE years old today!  As true as it is, it is still hard to believe.  Just a short 3 year ago we woke up celebrating Will's 15th month, and ended the day with a beautiful baby girl.  She has certainly brought so much joy and excitement into our lives.  She is a little entertainer, a loving girl, and our lil princess. 
This past week has been amazing for her... she has been celebrating her birthday all week, starting at Disney and really feeling like a princess.  We love her and are so lucky and blessed to have her in our lives.