Our lil Gabi Rose is 8 Months Old today!
She continues to be characterized as sweet and easy-going. We call her "baby", "monkey", "sweetie", and mostly Gabi Rose. She doesn't require much and is very content on her own, but LOVES it when the kids engage her. Will and Isa constantly make her crack up, and it's the sweetest laughter we have ever heard!
So, what is she up to... we are on the cusp of some big breakthroughs...but not quite there yet
- from a sitting position she will get into a crawling position and then back up (and rock back & forth)
- she isn't crawling forward yet, but does go backwards
- she LOVES being held up by her hands... we think she will walk before she crawls, she loves standing!
- she has a tooth that is itching to make an appearance, but we are still waiting. It is funny to see her do a funny old lady look when her bottom lip is hidden!
- she is eating 2-3 meals with us mostly of pureed foods, her favorites are bananas and sweet potatoes (Yes, I have another sweet toothed child)
- she is still nursing great about 4 times a day
- she is still sleeping through the night and takes 2 naps (morning and afternoon)
Gabi is really gearing up to MOVE. She gets so excited over something she wants and really tries to move you in her direction. We love how she is so much more engaged with us and the world around her. She LOVES exploring new things (leaves, grass, anything that is NOT a toy =). The time is going way too fast, and we are trying our best to enjoy it with her. We feel blessed.