ONLY 1 child in the house wears diapers!!!! For a LONG time I didn't know when this day would finally come... but it's here (and hopefully to stay). I am SO proud to report that Will is in Big Boy Undies now ALL day and night!!!!!!! Trust me, I am more than ecstatic.
I have sat around rolling my eyes as I have watched all the other kids in our playgroup progress to this stage one by one... some even 2 years ago (ugh). I was told, "when he is ready, he will do it." Well... I WAS READY. So I ventured on a fun game (with lots of treats) for Will AND Isa and it has paid off. Will is now fully potty trained!
As for Isa... I still put on a "pull up" at naps and bedtime, but she is in panties all day as well. She by no means is completely potty trained (she has her occasional accidents a week), but mostly is staying dry and clean. Over the past 2 days though... she has been going all on her own (without me prompting), so that is A BIG DEAL for me! She has also been staying dry all night and at naps for the past couple of days.
So I say again... A L L E L U I A ! ! ! ! !