Friday, May 14, 2010


for those that don't know... my mom and 2 of her sisters moved to the US around the age of 18 for a better life.  Each had 2 children... the 6 of us grew up more like siblings than cousins.  over the years, even when life has taken us different directions..... the pull of family is still strong and we make every effort to see each other.  Well, now us cousins have little ones of our own and of the 3 sisters that came from Peru, now there are 12 grandchildren.  This past weekend Eddie, my sister and I drove up to Orlando to visit with Carla who was in town with her in-laws for a family vacation.  We only visited for a couple of hours, but we had a great time and it was great to have our 8 little ones together (we were still missing 4 of the little cousins though).

 from left to right:  Isa, Aidan, Will, Jack, Andrew, Matthew, Sebastian & Gabi
the gang that day.