Tuesday, March 16, 2010

life in our home

Our home has had so many changes in the last few weeks and we couldn't be happier.  Here is the low down on all of us....
Our home:  We have finally made the decision to take the stress (a little) out of our hands and turned over the sale of our home to a professional.  This weekend we listed our home with Howard Hanna and are hoping they can help in selling it quick! 

Tobin: Tob was back to work the day after we brought Gabriela home.  This was sad, but work is work.  Work has been pretty stressful recently for him and in the last 2 weeks he was already sent out of town for business, and has had to work late frequently (something we were not use too).   We are still lucky that he has had some great bonding time with Gabi at night.  She seems to know to save a great alert period right after he is home and she just lays there and stares at her Daddy!
Veronika:  Each day is getting better.  The c-section incision is healing great, but remembering to take it easy is not.  I have been lucky to have many people step up and help these past 2 weeks, I wouldn't have been able to do it without them.  Monday was my first day venturing out on my own...and it sure was an eye opener... SLOW DOWN VERONIKA!  =)  Other than that, I have been keeping busy trying to get the house ready for an Open House, keeping up after the 3 lil ones, and missing Tobin when he has to work a little later.
Will:  Our lil man is going great.  He adores his lil sister and is very attentive to her needs.  He is my little reminder to say "it's OK baby Gabi" whenever she cries (which isn't often).  He loves singing to her, and telling her stories.  Will is going well at school academically.  Socially, he is doing MUCH better, but there are still things they are working on with him.  We have discovered that Will is a little artist like his dad.  He draws stick people all the time (even drew our family of 5), loves stamping, loves coloring (with ALL the colors), and is great at tracing.  He is our easy going lil man and is a delight one on one!
Isa: Our lil Spirited girl is both sides of the spectrum.  She is the sweetest lil girl with her sister Gabi (kisses and love galore).  She  is a little entertainer and loves telling you she's happy, she loves you, and that you make her happy.  At night (or nap time) she stalls, by telling us all the things she is thankful for and gives you extra kisses followed with an "I love you".  She has been Talking up a storm, she is completely articulate.  We can't believe how well she communicates.  It only seems like yesterday she was barely talking.  On the flip side... Isa can also be a little handful.  She surely keeps us on our toes, but it wouldn't be exciting without her!
Gabi: The past 2 weeks with our littlest one has been great.  We certainly have NO complaints about her... she has been fabulous.  We can only hope she stays this way, but so far she has been breast feeding great, she only wakes up once at night to eat, and is rarely fussy.  Gabi is so easy going we feel so blessed.  She loves being held, but doesn't mind being put down either.  She has great alert times during the day and is a wonderful sleeper at night.  At 1 week she was weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces (up from 6 1/2 only 3 days earlier).  She has been a wonderful addition and is certainly so loved by all. 

Our family: We are anxious to get our home sold and move to one with more space.  We are headed for our first trip as a family of 5 to Florida in May (May 1-10th) to celebrate cousin Andrew's birthday and to meet Luis & Yanet's lil one Amanda, and Eddie and Nicole's lil boy Sebastian.   Abuelita will be flying down with us and Daddy will help with flying back.  We are sad to say we are losing Abuelita for about a year come August.  She will be headed back to Florida to help out Monika and family.  We are glad to still have family around to help out and be close too.    We plan to baptize lil Gabriela sometime in the beginning of July (around Will's birthday).  We hope most family members will be able to attend, we have been blessed in the past to have everyone there!  Finally, we are excited to welcome more lil cousins for the kids this summer!  The arrivals of Baby Chloe (in June) and Baby Boy Sikora (in July) means more lil ones for our kids to play with... we feel so lucky!   That's all for now (and congrats if you read this far!)