It is hard to believe that this will be Will's (and Aidan's)4th Christmas. We were a little saddened that this would also be their 1st Christmas apart... HOWEVER... miracles do come true! We are SOOOO excited that Monika, Arnold, Aidan and Andrew will be coming back up to OHIO for another Christmas season!!!! 1300 miles is a long way... however, I really am blessed to have such a great relationship with my sis (and brother-in-law) that distance has not kept our kids from knowing each other, and sharing memories of special events. Despite the distance, the kids see each other at least 5 times a year (if not more) and we LOVE it. We are REALLY blessed. Even though we constantly say we wished we lived closer...we really can't complain. The Lacayo's have been up for almost every one of the kids birthdays (they only missed Will's 2nd birthday because Andrew was just born). They have not had a Christmas season apart (and this I guess was NOT going to be the first one). We haven't told Will and Isa yet (we hope to surprise them with their arrival, but we can't be any more excited!
We are also so lucky to live and share so many memories on a daily basis with Gramma, Bapa, Abuelita, and all those that live close. You won't understand how much this means to us (and the kids) until later when we look back at all the memories we make TOGETHER. And we are so blessed for all those that come from close to far to spend time with the kids... YOU will never know how BIG of an impression you make on them (we hear it from them often... when they ask to call you, skype, or tell us about something silly they remember about you). We love you all, and can't wait to see you all SOON!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS! As Isa says "if you just BELIEVE!"