yikes. I don't know how we got so far behind but here we are... Gabi is 17 months today.
Over the last couple of months her personality has really blossomed and she is a little bundle of happiness! She is 17 months going on 3 or 5 (depending which sibling she is imitating!)! She plays well on her own, but lights up when she is doing all the things the "big kids" do. She wants to eat exactly what they are eating, wants to play what they are playing, and do what they do. Not always what we would like... since she IS ONLY 17 months old!
She is not as vocal as Isa was at this age, but is more vocal than Will was. Over the last 2 weeks she has really started imitating and repeating more sounds and words. She says No, Gabi, Happy, Daddy, Mommy, Isa, Will, nose, eyes, ear, more, all done, night night, bye, hi... and a few others I can't recall right now. She tries to say "love you" and it's the sweetest sound ever!
Gabi has been great at drinking with a straw, sippy cup or bottle. She still has milk 3 times a day, but eats her meals like a champ. Most of the time eating more and beating Will and Isa at finishing her food! She finally has several teeth. Still only 2 on the bottom (with a few more trying to emerge), and 4 almost all the way out on top!
Gabi is still Daddy's little girl. She loves singing, you can hear her humming a tune to sleep, loves singing her A,B,C's, and will try to sing along with us. She is our little sunshine and has such a sweet personality. We couldn't feel more blessed!
On the 4th of July, Tob and I went out to do a little photo shoot of our lil Gabi Rose. We got some great pics, but most of all, we somehow managed to capture her sweet and outgoing personality. I love these pics!