Sunday, June 27, 2010

surprise visit

yesterday, Justin and Mary surprised the family when they arrived at Eddie's graduation party.  it was a nice and sweet visit.  I also think that Justy and Mary may have found dog-sitters for the next time they are in town =)
 all  worn out =)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

meeting Chloe Ann

this afternoon Damian, Tobin and myself went to meet the newest lil member of the family, Chloe Ann Vincent.  She is absolutely precious, and so even tempered (so far... we hope she stays like this!).  What a wonderful lil blessing for Kateri and Paul (and the rest of us!).  
her pictures say it all....

She's H E R E !!!!!

welcoming our newest lil niece.....

CONGRATS Kateri and Paul... it was a long, long day for you... but so worth it!  can't wait to see her in a few hours!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


our dear friends Megan and Joe are now a family of SEVEN!!!!   CONGRATULATIONS!!! We love you all and can't wait to meet lil Carly Marie!

Monday, June 14, 2010

and he says....

it's a "Silly Face"   =)  
Will drew this in about 2 minutes crouched down on the carpet and then ran over to show Daddy tonight!
 gotta love the green tongue and eyebrows!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Last night we spent may hours laying down the "playroom" foam tiles and setting up the kids toys (some that they haven't seen in TWO years!).  There is still more to do, but for now, this was a BIG step.
This morning.... was like CHRISTMAS! 

basement before and after!

after many hours of work... we are DONE

"Christmas" morning for the kids all over again!
let the creative play begin!!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

another day in paradise

we have officially been Home for a week now.  it's amazing to us how this new home has somehow lifted our spirits and brought us closer.  the idea that there is no rush to do anything big, that whatever we do is just for US (we don't have to think about resale), and hearing the constant laughter of the kids is Awesome!

we attempted to get some more unpacking and organizing done this weekend, and we 1/2 succeeded.  while Will and Isa were at The Little Gym, Tobin was able to get most of the office unpacked and there is very little left to do there.  we worked on it some more while the kids napped, and then moved on to the BASEMENT!  We gave Will and Isa free reign to run around and ride all their riding toys down there in circles, while we both scrubbed down the walls and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned.  until we can fully finish the basement, our plan is to make a large area the playroom and we have ordered foam mats.  the kids had a blast down there, and we were able to get about 1/2 way through (the 1/2 we needed done at least!). 

we then realized we weren't going to get much more done, so took a break and just enjoyed the kids!  It's amazing how much they L O V E it here, and how they both want to play outside all the time!  Their laughter is intoxicating, and we couldn't be happier.  We have already spent so much time together as a family outside and we have only been here a week! 

if we thought our last house was a little slice of heaven... we now have the whole pie!

some fun outside...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

l o n g weekend

The long weekend came and went and we are slowly adjusting.  We have to admit that our house finally felt like HOME on Monday night.  That is when our treasured wedding gift Kinkade painting made it's way over our fireplace mantle and we gazed over and finally said... it feels like home now.

We began the long weekend early on Saturday morning.  Tobin headed to the storage unit and I started bringing kitchen boxes up (with the assistance of Isa and Gabi =).  We were able to get most of the kitchen set up that day. Jenny took Will to The Little Gym and in the afternoon, Kateri, Paul, and Rich came by to help with kids and more boxes. The guys spent a few hours moving boxes into rooms and our attic space.  Tough work!  We worked for a couple of hours and then decided it was best to take a rest and enjoy the great weather.  We had a cookout, relaxed, and ventured back to Gramma's & Bapa's for our final night there.

Sunday morning started REAL early.  Tobin was with the Movers by 7:45am and Will and Isa were dropped of with Jeff and Julie (for some water fun) by 8:30am.  The movers brought all our big furniture in and we tried working around them (taking advantage the the kids were not here).  It was CHAOS, but we were making progress.  Thankfully Julie kept the kids until 1pm, then we brought them home for naps while we worked some more.  We decided again, that the kids needed some time with us, so we headed to the pool later that evening with Eddie and Evan. We came home for our FIRST night there!

Monday was spent trying to organize some more, running some errands, trying to keep the kids out of anything dangerous while we worked, and finally staying up until 1am to get some real work done while the kids were sleeping.  We got the entertainment center set up, the computer and office set up, and the kitchen complete.  We could now function.  What sweet relief.

There were only a few problems along the way, but we know the end result will be great.  We are so happy to be home.  It has been so heartwarming to hear Isa and Will exclaim at randoms times during the day "this is MY New House!"  Isa has said it now every time we leave the house to go somewhere! =)  They are so happy here and I know that once we unpack the remaining 75% of the boxes and set up a real space for them to play, they (and we) will be able to sit back and enjoy this new home!  And can you believe... we actually have NO major projects planned!!! *many ideas... but nothing we are rushing to do!*

We can't wait until we are done unpacking!  Thanks for those who sent SWEET housewarming treats, cards, and we can't wait for you to visit us!
tasty housewarming gift =)